12 yearsand more- teenager

Other Names: Adolescent, Young adult, Teen

What awaits you:

Personal Identity Development: Strong self-exploration, development of personal identity, and affirmation of preferences and interests.

Physical Changes: Period of puberty with significant physical and hormonal changes.

Independence and Autonomy: Growing desire for independence from parents and other adults.

Complex Social Relations: Establishing more complex relationships, including deep friendships and first romantic relationships.

Critical and Abstract Thinking: Increased capacity for abstract thought, philosophical reflection and argumentation.

Responsibility and Decision Making: Ability to make more autonomous decisions and manage increasing responsibilities.

Increased Emotional Sensitivity: Experience of more intense emotions and sometimes emotional turbulence.

Academic and Professional Interests: Development of specific academic interests and exploration of potential careers or vocations.

Social and Ethical Consciousness: Increased interest in social, political and ethical issues.

Moral Development and Personal Values: Formation of personal values ​​and more defined moral principles.

Time Management and Priorities: Improved ability to manage time and set priorities, including balancing school, leisure and social activities.

Planning for the Future: Begins to seriously consider the future, including higher education, professional training or entry into the workforce.

Navigating Adolescence

Beyond the age of 12, children enter a period of profound physical, emotional and social changes. It is a time when they seek to form their identity, explore new relationships and gain independence. Support them by offering listening, understanding and guidance, while respecting their need for autonomy.

The Age of Transformation

This phase is crucial for your child's personal and social development, often characterized by a search for identity, a thirst

independence and an awakening of social and ethical awareness. Support them with empathy and encouragement, helping them navigate through the unique challenges and opportunities of this time of life.

Support their quest for independence

while remaining a reassuring presence

and understanding. Encourage their passions, listen to their opinions

and guide them through the complexities

relationships and choices.

Recognize the moments

where they need space while still being available to guide them

and support them. Your role as

that parent now evolves into that of a mentor and an ally.


As your child enters adolescence, starting at age 12, you transform into understanding and flexible mentors, learning to navigate the challenges of adolescence while encouraging your child's independence and self-discovery .